Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Library Value

The Centre for Information Behaviour and the Evaluation of Research (CIBER) has been commissioned by Research Libraries UK to help develop a set of evidence-based advocacy materials for library policy makers in higher education. The research will review and analyse the available material, mainly statistical, that relates to the contribution that libraries make to the student experience, and especially satisfaction. The study is led by Dr Ian Rowlands and will report in August 2010.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Research! Student study habits

The University of Rochester’s Studying students ethnographic study gives us more than interesting feedback on student behaviour, it also provides some excellent examples of research techniques which could improve the effectiveness of your next library usage survey.

Everything you wanted to know about cloud culture

Join Charles Leadbeater and a cast of experts from the British Council to debate the big issues around cloud culture. Download the book, watch the film, hear the podcast.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Researchers of Tomorrow
JISC have released another interesting report (which I'm still digesting) - this time with findings from phase one of their study into differences between information-seeking behaviours of Gen Y and older doctoral students. It should be noted that 65% of the Gen Y sample were from pure and applied science disciplines and that some of the differences revealed may be due to the science-bias rather than age factors. Nonetheless, it indicates that some of our assumptions about generation-specific use of information or interest in technology may be inappropriate. Topics covered by the study include uptake of Web 2.0 technologies, approach to information-seeking, understanding of open access, preference for seeking help...One of the biggest differences appears to be in students' use of librarians for support - much more likely with older students. Among the constraints on research progress, with a rating in the middle range, is lack of own research or information seeking skills. A subsequent survey has just commenced and will address:
The role of supervisors and technology take-up
Attitudes towards using mediated content and intermediaries in research support
Attitudes towards using open access
- As research resources
- As places to publish their own research
What kinds of training and support would best serve their needs

New Spice library ad

Have you all seen the Old Spice ad that is around at the moment? This spoof called New Spice - study like a scholar, scholar has been designed to promote the Harold B. LeeLibrary. Its worth a look for a laugh.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Tasmanian Yearbook: Morris Miller Library in 1972

While looking for some totally unrelated statistics on the ABS website I came across a feature article from the 1972 Tasmanian Yearbook about the Morris Miller Library.
Total budget for 1970: $414,787!
I like the section on future developments:

Establishment of a library branch in northern Tasmania, as an expansion of the present extension service, will be considered in the future but this is dependent on the expansion of the University’s northern facilities.

Initial steps have been taken to provide an audio-visual collection in the central library. Equipment is to be installed for playing disc and taped recordings, particularly music, both from a central control point and individual cassette-players.

Investigations have been made of the feasibility of automating some library routines but introduction of automated techniques is considered a doubtful economic and technical proposition at the present level of transactions.


Monday, 19 July 2010

The end of the reference desk

From the blog of the McMaster University Librarian:

"After much planning and hard work the last of our reference desks is gone! Our library has completed the transition to “blended services” where library assistants handle most of the transactions at combined service points (circulation, interlibrary loan, research help). Our business library was the first to go in this direction around one year ago followed by our science/engineering library. Finally, I came in this morning to find that the last of our reference desks is now gone!"

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Proceedings of the 31st IATUL Conference now available

The link to the proceedings of the 31st IATUL Conference: The evolving world of e-science: Impact and implications of science and technology libraries held at Purdue University 21 - 24 June 2010 is available at

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Top 50 librarian blogs

I've found this site which lists 50 librarian blogs. They are listed on the GetDegrees website. If you are looking for more ways to keep in touch with what is going on in Library Land it is worth exploring some of the links.

Friday, 9 July 2010

Top ten trends in academic libraries

The ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee developed a list of the top ten trends that are affecting academic libraries now and in the near future. This list was compiled based on an extensive review of current literature.