Friday, 31 August 2007

Faculty team effectiveness

Hi All
On 18 May 2007, I responded in Knowledge base to a post by Roger on self-managed teams.
I have had no response to my views particulary on their relevance for Faculty liaison team service delivery .
I would very much appreciate any responses that takes issue with my views as they may have implications for the model of best practice.
Ian Barton (31/08/2007)

1 comment:

Roger said...

I will go and have a look at Ian's comments and hope others will do the same.
However, this opens up another important question no one has raised yet. It seems that KnowledgeBase is seen by most as merely a repository of fairly stable documentation. I suspect few people (including myself) are monitoring the posts there regularly. As KB is a wiki it is actually a collaborative tool where comments can be made and documents collaboratively developed. Very few people are using it this way however.
I am hoping this blog can take a greater role in this type of communication rather than using KB. A comment strand on a document can be made on knowledgeBase, but you will have to tell everyone its there.
The item Ian is referring to is at: