Friday, 20 April 2007

Research workshops

Dear all,

I was recently invited to attend the school of Asian Languages and studies research workshops approx. 1 per week. Ok the topic of the workshop arose and i my enthusicate enquiry gained an invitation. At the moment not quite sure how this will work but it may mean that i might field some questions or do a small presentation.

Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

BA Information Literacy Concept Plan

Many of you know that I am enrolled in the Grad Cert in Uni Learning & Teaching. I am currently enrolled in ELT503, the second last unit I have to do (yes!!).
For my latest assignment I chose to develop a Concept Plan for info lit in the BA degree.
I would like to use my assignment as the basis of a plan I can present to Arts T&LC.
Note that this is a concept plan that might later be expanded to cover all Arts Faculty degrees.

Could I ask for comments on my plan which can be found at:
N:\PVC-T&L\Library\Functional Documents\Information Services\_Arts\Teaching_learning\BA InfoLit Project\InfoLit for the BA Concept Plan.doc

I apologize for the academic nature of the plan, but it is substantially the same as the assignment I have just submitted for ELT503.
My aim now is to produce, with your help and suggestions, a simpler, actionable plan that can be presented to Faculty T&LC.
As you give me feedback and suggestions I will develop a new document for ATLC. It would be good if I could present something to their 25th May Meeting.

Notes on using the blog

The blog automatically archives posts by date on the right of your screen so you can trawl back to past posts that way.
To find posts and comments on a topic, just do a keyword search in the box at top left.
Try to keep the same thread together by replying to comments rather than starting a new post each time....this will keep our conversations more coherent if we keep topic thread together.
Note that when you post you can add extra labels for better retrieval later if you wish.
It might be a good idea to add a label when you make a new post on a new topic??

If you intend to start an important conversation on a new topic (which in reality is a bit like a meeting agenda item) email everyone in the team to alert them to start using the blog. That way we will get full team participation on each topic.

Just some suggestions.