Thursday, 29 May 2008

CHOICE as a new publications alerting tool

We used to have a subscription to Choice (Academic reviews) and circulated it as a selection tool. The advantage of Choice is that it only includes selected quality academic publications (and web resources by the way!).
A few years ago it was cancelled with the view to subscribing to the Choice Reviews online database. This never went ahead but Choice has been available for some time as an ejournal via Proquest.
I have just been experimenting with this and notice that Proquest has a good RSS feature now. This means that you can theoretically set up RSS alerts for topics from Choice.
I have tried this out and it seem to work OK, so this could be another tool to add to our list that clients could use to be notified of new books in their field.

Friday, 16 May 2008

Librarians teaching publication strategies?

Knievel, J E, 2008, ‘Instruction to Faculty and Graduate Students: A Tutorial to Teach Publication Strategies’, portal: Libraries and the Academy, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 175-186.

I recently came across this article on teaching publication strategies to junior faculty and graduate students - kind of like our "Getting Cited" session, but going a whole lot further.

My initial reaction to the idea was "Blimey! I'm not sure this is really the Library's patch", but Knievel's argument is that while graduate students/new academics know their field, they often do not fully understand the publication cycle.

The online tutorial that University of Colorado Libraries created to teach publication strategies to researchers seems to have been a wild success, and you can access it at

I think it's great (although a bit text dense) and I learned quite a lot - being in a profound state of ignorance to begin with.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Measuring and articulating the value of the Academic Library

Richard sent me the link to this paper by Lyn Bosanquet, Transforming the Academic Library - the new value proposition

You may not agree with all she says but it is interesting to note the section "Where to next?" which starts with the sentence: "It is imperative that the library understands what the university values" - and then she goes on to suggest that the value should be more weighted towards library support for research.

Anyway, she does identify some of our challenges for the future, and documents how things have changed.
Karmen asked me to post this and add some comments I made. She would love you all to comment too!


Friday, 2 May 2008

EndnoteXI Word 2003 toolbar problem on XP

Problem: Endnote XI installs properly on XP, but Word 2003 toolbar does not appear/ or EndnoteWeb toolbar appears instead.

Solution:The method described on the EN FAQ site gives 2 methods which did not work for me. It did mention the following pathway however:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Thomson ResearchSoft\Cwyw
This folder contains several files. One is EndNote
If you double-click in this is should activate the Word toolbar. WE had to close and open Word for it to take effect.